Why Dropping Calories Drives Us Nuts
Reducing calories sounds simple, but in reality, it can feel like a battle. In the first few days, hunger peaks as your body increases ghrelin (the hunger hormone), making cravings hard to ignore. Energy levels may dip, and thoughts of food can become all-consuming. But the good news? This phase doesn’t last forever.
As your body adjusts over the following weeks, appetite starts to regulate, and cravings subside. By eating high-protein, fiber-rich meals and staying hydrated, you can manage hunger more effectively. Small adjustments—like mindful eating and spreading protein throughout the day—can make all the difference. If hunger still lingers after a few weeks, it may be time to reassess your calorie deficit and tweak your approach for sustainable success.

Menopause and ADHD
ADHD is often misunderstood, especially in women, where symptoms are frequently overlooked until later in life. During menopause, hormonal changes like declining estrogen can intensify ADHD symptoms such as brain fog, forgetfulness, and overwhelm. This intersection often leaves women seeking answers for struggles they’ve faced for years.
Our article explores why ADHD is commonly diagnosed later in women, how menopause impacts symptoms, and practical steps to regain control. Whether through medical support, lifestyle changes, or community resources, managing ADHD during menopause is possible.

PCOS and Menopause
Navigating menopause with PCOS can be complex, as both conditions involve significant hormonal changes. Women with PCOS may experience overlapping symptoms like irregular periods, hair thinning, and weight gain. As menopause approaches, these symptoms can persist or even worsen due to elevated androgen levels, common in PCOS.
If you’re considering testosterone therapy to combat menopause-related fatigue and low libido, it’s crucial to check your current androgen levels. Women with PCOS often already have higher testosterone, which could lead to unwanted side effects.

Menopause and Allergies
Explore the link between menopause and allergies. Uncover triggers, understand symptoms, and discover potential relief strategies.

What if I can’t use HRT?
Explore alternative solutions to HRT for managing menopause symptoms in our latest blog post. Understand the roles of antidepressants, Tibolone, Clonidine, and complementary medications, and learn why individual choice is paramount in your menopause journey.

Brain Fog or Memory Loss?
Would you know the difference between brain fog and memory loss? What are the classic symptoms of menopause v ageing?

Joint Pain and Digestive Issues during Menopause
What causes joint pain and digestive issues during menopause, and is there anything that we can do to support our wellbeing thus eleviating these problems.

Navigating Mirena Coils
The Mirena coil is a tiny T-shaped superhero in contraception and hormone management. But what happens when it's time for this little warrior to retire, especially during the tumultuous seas of perimenopause and beyond? Let's delve into the benefits of the Mirena...
Navigating Estrogen Dominance During Menopause
Navigating Estrogen Dominance During Perimenopause: Symptoms, Questions, and Solutions Are you navigating the hormonal storms of perimenopause, feeling like your body is playing a game of tug-of-war? If so, you might be dealing with estrogen dominance—a common...
Menopause and Massage
Menopause and Massage: A Powerful Tool for Wellbeing When you think about massage, does your mind drift to sports recovery or a blissful spa day? While both are valid, there’s more to massage than meets the eye—especially for women navigating perimenopause,...
Menopause in the Workplace
Breaking the Silence: Menopause in the Workplace Discussing menopause at work can be daunting, especially in industries where such topics are rarely addressed. In male-dominated sectors like construction, this can feel even more challenging. Yet, it’s crucial that...
Hot Flushes and Snug Knickers
Hot Flushes and Snug KnickersMenopause can be a challenging time for many women, particularly regarding weight gain. In this blog post, we aim to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take control of your body, maintain a healthy weight, and boost your...
Lessons in embracing your authentic self during Menopase from Tina Turners Life
Tina Turner: Lessons in Embracing Your Authentic Self During MenopauseRecently, I found myself captivated by a documentary about the extraordinary life of Tina Turner. Her journey left a lasting impression on me, and I couldn't help but reflect on the tragedy she...
What if I can’t use HRT
HRT is often portrayed as the be-all and end-all answer to menopause symptoms. But what if you have been through surgical menopause, HRT doesn't agree with you, or you don't want to use it? We all have choices and should never feel pressured to do what the majority...
Navigating Allergies During Menopause
Understanding the Connection Among the Menopause Community Group, questions like, "Why has my skin suddenly started itching?" are frequent. Many don't realise there's a direct link between menopause and allergies. Unfolding the Symptoms Women usually experience...
When Magnesium Turned My Nights into a Technicolor Dream Fest!
If you've been following my menopause journey, in our closed group then you'll know that it's been an adventure filled with ups and downs, of mood swings, restless legs, and the occasional night sweat. But today, I want to share a rather unexpected side effect of...
Progesterone – How important is it?
Progesterone - How Important Is It?I recently visited my GP and asked if she would whip out my Mirena coil as it had overstayed its welcome period of five years. And I figured it was doubtful (although not unheard of) that I would get pregnant. Her answer surprised...
What’s going on with my weight?
Does this photograph ring any bells? From the moment we became aware of our bodies, we became aware of our weight. Unfortunately, on many occasions, we allow it to determine the value we give ourselves. And with the rise of social media, fitness trainers, slimming...
Brain Fog or Memory Loss
We can all probably relate to these statements - doing something that seems ridiculous to our usual rational self. Can it purely be down to hormones? At what point do we need to be concerned that something is seriously wrong?Hormonal brain fog? In the early...
Joint Pain and Digestive Issues during menopause
Joint Pain And Digestive Issues During MenopauseAs we experience peri or full menopausal symptoms, we are well aware of the massive changes in our bodies, but are there things we can change to help alleviate some of the symptoms, and do the things we eat and drink...
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
A recent post on social media struck a chord. A lady posted that she was convinced that her husband thought of her as an inconvenience and that if she sent him a text when he wasn’t with her, she could picture him sighing or feeling irritated when he saw her name come...
Menopause & Weight Gain
HRT is often portrayed as the be-all and end-all answer to menopause symptoms. But what if you have been through surgical menopause, HRT doesn't agree with you, or you don't want to use it? We all have choices, and we should never feel under pressure to do what the...
Vagina or Vulva – Do you know the difference?
Vagina or Vulva Would you know the difference?Let’s face it; we are only just becoming comfortable with using the word Vagina. I am sure we all gave ours a unique name at some time or another. I am sure you get the picture of terms such as twinkle, nunu, fluffy buffy,...
Friend or Foe – When is it time to let go?
“Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never bought to mind Should old acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne.” These are the lyrics from the strangely melancholy New Year song, usually sung with gusto when the clock strikes midnight. ‘Days of auld...
Why you should ditch the scales
Hi, my name is Joanne, and I would like to share my recent experience with all women going through Menopause. I hope it may help some of you who feel discouraged about what the scales are saying! Whilst having a lovely week in Padstow with my family, I visited a...
Private Menopause Healthcare
Should you go down the private route for HRT? At present, we hear frequent horror stories of doctors prescribing antidepressants to women who go to them for help, knowing something is wrong with their hormones. Continually refused HRT when women request it and...
Bioidentical Hormones
Bioidentical Hormones is a term that I have heard on numerous occasions but quite often dismissed because of NICE guidelines. So for that reason, they couldn’t be any good, could they? After spending the evening asking various questions, I am now a little more swayed...
Wootton Park – Your speed dial retreat
Wootton Park Your speed dial retreat Open any magazine or newspaper these days, and you will be told that your wellness is a priority. Priority is the ultimate word. And I am sure if you are anything like me, priority and wellness can take a back seat. Even...
Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin Walk into any health food shop; vitamins and supplements available are at an all-time high. The choices can be overwhelming, as the industry bombard you with information about what you should be taking and when. If you invested...
Menopause and our Brain
Have you ever wondered why we all react differently to one another during perimenopause and menopause? Is it all just down to our hormones? What difference do our mindset and our brain function have? Our founder Sarah Cale had the opportunity to explore some of these...
Pregnancy and Menopause
Have you ever pondered the question, “Can you get pregnant during menopause?” I know I initially did when I started my menopause journey. Okay, let’s consider the facts; If you are post-menopause, in other words, haven’t had a period for over a...
EXPRESSING YOUR TRUE VOICE THROUGH MENOPAUSEI think that we all get a bit of a wake-up call when we first encounter perimenopause. It can be quite a shock to us that our body, which has been a fairly reliable packhorse throughout our lives, suddenly becomes a...