Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones is a term that I have heard on numerous occasions but quite often dismissed because of NICE guidelines. So for that reason, they couldn’t be any good, could they?

After spending the evening asking various questions, I am now a little more swayed about their benefits. To add to my positive thoughts concerning Bioidentical Hormones, my friend who lives in America who has said that they have changed her life.

So for that reason, should we dismiss everything at face value, or should we take the time to investigate whether something not so conventional may be right for us?

Well, I will let you be the judge of that by watching the session with Dr Eccleston, and I would love to hear what your thoughts and views are. Also, have you used bioidentical hormones? If so, what was your experience?

Menopause is an invitation to start something new. Even amidst the uncertainty and discomfort, it’s a time of new beginnings.

This post is not sponsored. All information given is from an unbiased view. Should you wish to contact Dr Eccleston to discuss bioidentical hormones further then please check the website for contact details: