Vaginal Rejuvenation (Yes or No)?

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that covers several vaginal corrective procedures. These procedures are meant to correct problems that can occur after giving birth or during the ageing process.

Conditions can include:

What treatments are available for Vaginal Rejuvenation?


What are energy-based treatments?

Energy-based treatments are nonsurgical procedures that use heat. The treatments are done with a device that focuses the energy and heats the tissue. Energy-based devices are used for skin treatments, and more recently, for vaginal rejuvenation. When used in the vagina, the goal is to enhance collagen, blood vessels, tightness and lubrication.

Who gets this treatment?

The two main groups of women who get this treatment are:

  • Postmenopausal women
  • Postpartum women

What are the different types of energy-based treatments for vaginal rejuvenation?

There are two types of energy-based treatments for vaginal rejuvenation. Both treatments use heat.

  • Radiofrequency (RF) treatments: Electromagnetic waves are used in RF devices. Similar to the waves used in a microwave – but to a lesser extent – the energy is focused to heat the tissue. Brand names of RF devices include Geneveve by Viveve and ThermiVa.
  • CO2 laser treatment: The laser heats up the upper layers of the tissue, causing the tissue in the lower layers to make more collagen. This makes the skin firmer and tighter. Brand names of laser devices include MonaLisa Touch®, FemTouch™ and FemiLift.

Where is an energy-based treatment done?

Energy-based treatments will be undertaken by a Specialist at their surgeries. Little, if any, anaesthetic is used during the procedure. Patients can typically continue with their day without needing recovery time.

What does energy-based treatment feel like?

There is typically little irritation during the treatment. The area being treated may feel warm during the procedure. A topical anaesthetic may be used if there is discomfort.

Are there any complications associated with energy-based treatments for vaginal rejuvenation?

There is a risk of bleeding or infection, but the risk is low. In rare circumstances, vaginal or vulvar scarring may result from energy-based treatments.

Is this treatment permanent?

No. Energy-based treatments for vaginal rejuvenation are not permanent. For the best results, the treatments will need to be done over several sessions at a time.

radio frequency

Let’s take a closer look at Radiofrequency (RF) options:

Geneveve by Viveve

Geneveve by Viveve uses cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency to uniformly deliver gentle volumetric heating while cooling surface tissue. This device tightens the vagina; increasing moisture and improving urinary incontinence in women. It works largely by stimulating the body’s natural collagen formation process.” Thus aiding rejuvenation.


How does it work?

During a 30-minute procedure, the tip is inserted just inside the vaginal opening (approximately a thumb’s depth inside) and the RF energy is delivered, in conjunction with cooling, as the tip is moved in a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation around the circumferential vaginal opening.

The pulsed delivery of RF causes collagen contraction in the underlying tissues, leading to the stimulation of new collagen formation over the following 30 to 90 days and continued improvement at 6 and 12 months.


Are the results permanent?

Geneveve is a single-session solution 30-minute procedure – its lasting results mean only one treatment should be needed to feel a difference in rejuvenation. However, everyone’s baseline level of laxity and natural response mechanisms may vary but results typically peak at around 90 days and will still be evident in excess of 12 months. Patients may desire a touch-up treatment in that second year.”

Where can I find out more…


The ThermiVa uses radiofrequency energy to encourage collagen production which tightens the vulval and vagina tissues. The procedure enhances sexual satisfaction and many report improvements in their bladder and bowel function.

When topical or system hormone replacement therapy is not an option the ThermiVa can be used safely to help improve the symptoms of vaginal dryness.

The treatment consists of three 30-minute sessions each a month apart. No anaesthesia is required and there is an immediate return to social and physical activities.



The improvement of vaginal tightening, improved lubrication, increased sensation, improvement in stress incontinence can vary depending on the severity of the problem at presentation and the hormonal status. I always recommend that women be placed on a hormonal replacement if there are no contraindications. Most women however do get a significant improvement in the “concern” they are getting treatment for and may return for one additional treatment between 9-15 months.

Cost: £2,150

Let’s take a closer look at CO2 Laser treatment options:


Femilift the leading solution for Vaginal Rejuvenation at any age

The Femilift vaginal laser treats:

  • Bladder leaks when you cough and sneeze Stress Incontinence which can occur from a weak pelvic floor following childbirth or menopause
  • Vaginal Laxity which can cause women to experience reduced sexual sensitivity
  • Vaginal atrophy and dryness caused by hormonal changes of menopause, breast feeding and breast cancer treatment

A single-use probe is inserted into the vagina gently treating the vaginal tissue stimulating and contracting collagen.


Femilift benefits:

  • Non-surgical
  • No anaesthesia required. In a clinical study, patients reported little to no discomfort during treatments
  • Little to no downtime
  • Clinical data shows that more than 93% of women treated had improvements in vaginal laxity
  • The treatment protocol includes three treatments, approximately one month apart, with visible improvement with each treatment
  • Each treatment takes approximately 20-30 minutes (actual treatment time)
  • Maintenance may be needed at approximately one year to maintain best results

Cost: £2495

Mona Lisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch® is a gentle, innovative treatment for internal or external vaginal dryness or soreness. It’s quick, non-surgical, hormone-free and can help you regain your confidence to enjoy intimate relationships more fully.

MonaLisa Touch® works by applying gentle laser therapy to your vaginal walls. This stimulates the production of new collagen, rehydrating and tightening the membrane lining of your vaginal wall. Your consultant will administer treatment in tiny dots, meaning only a tiny area is affected at a time.

The Mona Lisa Touch is a 3-treatment programme, which is carried out over 3 months. 

When will I see results and how long do the effects of MonaLisa Touch laser treatment last?

The results are immediate, beginning within the first week after the first treatment for most patients. Progressive improvement was reported in clinical trials over subsequent treatments and months and was also observed in our own experience and among our patients.* The laser is increased in strength on subsequent sessions so it is important to complete the 3-treatment package for optimal results. Single session re-treatment may be needed every 12 to 18 months.

Cost: Treatment cycle approximately £1500



Please follow the link below to see a comparison table of procedures and costs:

pelvic trainer


What are other treatments for vaginal rejuvenation with little or no cost?

Kegel and pelvic floor exercises

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises (also called pelvic floor exercises) are done to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises not only can help prevent your urine from leaking but can also help prevent the accidental passing of stools or gas and may even help to improve your orgasms. Keeping these muscles ‘fit’ helps keep your uterus, bladder, and your bowel from sagging down into the vagina. If this happens, the condition is called pelvic organ prolapse.

How do I find my pelvic floor muscles?

Your pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that form a small ‘sling or hammock’ that runs between your pubic bone in the front of your body to your tailbone (end of your spine) at the back.

Finding your pelvic floor muscles is pretty simple. Try stopping the flow of your urine when you are sitting on the toilet. Only do this until you learn how it feels (otherwise this stopping and starting of urine flow can lead to other health problems). You can also insert a finger into your vagina and squeeze the muscles in your vagina around it. You should feel pressure around your finger. The muscles you feel ‘lifting’ inside of you when you are trying these activities are the same ones you strengthen during Kegel exercises.

How do I perform Kegel exercises?

You perform Kegel exercises by lifting and holding and then relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. Start by doing a small number of exercises (ie, lifts/squeezes, holds, and relaxes) over a short period of time, then gradually increase both the length of time and the number of exercises you are doing in each ‘session’ (which is called a set). You should perform at least two sets of the exercises a day.

Start by lifting and holding for three seconds then relaxing for three seconds. Repeat 10 times in a row – this would be one set. (If 10 times in a row is too high to start with, reduce this number.) Do this set of exercises at least twice a day. As you improve, increase all of these numbers. In other words, increase the length of time you are lifting, holding and relaxing; the number of exercises making up a set and the number times per day you are doing these exercises. For example, instead of holding for three seconds and relaxing for three seconds, hold and relax for four seconds each, then up to five seconds each. Increase the number of exercises in a set to 10 in a row (if not already there). Finally, increase the number of times you do these exercises. 


 Kegel exercise tips

  • You can do the Kegel exercises lying down or while sitting or standing. If your pelvic muscles are weak, you may want to do them laying down at first. A few minutes in the morning and again before bedtime is good times to start the exercise program.
  • When starting out, only do the number of Kegel exercises that are fairly easy for you to do (e.g. five Kegels for three seconds each twice a day). Slowly increase these numbers as you gain strength and endurance.
  • Do not hold your breath while doing the exercises – breathe out. Also, be careful not to bear down or squeeze the muscles of your inner thighs, back, buttocks, or stomach. Squeezing these muscles means you are not doing the exercise correctly.
  • There’s no need to purchase “Kegel muscle strengthening” equipment. Although it may help, some equipment may not work as advertised.

When can I expect to see improvement?

Most women say they notice less urine leakage within 12 weeks after starting and sticking with a Kegel exercise routine of twice a day to three times a day.

The Kegel 8



Pelviva is a single-use, disposable Pelvic Floor muscle re-trainer that uses a specially developed stimulation programme to treat weak pelvic floor muscles that cause bladder leakage in women.

The Pelviva treatment programme exercises your Pelvic Floor muscles to prevent bladder leaks when you laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise and to help you hold on when you urgently need the toilet.

Why exercise your Pelvic Floor?

Women focus quite a bit of attention on improving muscle tone in the arms, legs, bottom and tummy, yet many neglect an equally important but invisible area – the Pelvic Floor muscles. Your Pelvic Floor muscles can be hard to feel, without help training them can be very difficult.

In menopause, the bladder, vagina and bladder outlet tube (urethra) are all sensitive to the hormone oestrogen. As you go through the menopause your ovaries will gradually produce less oestrogen which can cause symptoms such as dryness, itching and irritation in the vagina, bladder tube and bladder. These changes can cause you to need to go to the toilet more frequently including having to get up at night to empty your bladder (nocturia). The menopause also accelerates the natural ageing process which can cause mild symptoms of bladder leakage to quickly become more of a problem.

Some women experience more bladder leakage with the hormone changes in the menstrual cycle; with symptoms seeming to be worse just before a period or mid-cycle (during ovulation).

The good news is that like all muscles, the Pelvic Floor muscles can be strengthened through regular exercise – giving you better bladder control. These muscles also protect against prolapse and help to maintain good sexual function. Keeping them fit and healthy can also improve your sensation during sexual intercourse.


Why Pelviva?


It works! Pelviva treats the cause of your bladder leaks by helping you to re-train your Pelvic Floor muscles correctly. In a clinical study, 84% of women reported improved bladder control.


The soft foam makes Pelviva easy to compress and position inside your vagina. It adapts to your individual size and shapes for a comfortable fit.

Easy to use

Pelviva is a disposable, single-use medical device. It is fully automated, so it automatically adjusts the level of intensity upwards or downwards to reach and maintain your therapeutic target level.



If you want to give it a try to see how it feels then we suggest you buy our three-pack. Pelviva is easy to insert and comfortable to use. But don’t just take our word for it!

  • 3 Individual Pelviva Treatments £42.95

Start the Pelviva experience with our special offer and gain back control. The majority of women who do the Pelviva treatment report noticeable improvements in as little as three weeks (9 Pelviva).

  • 9 Individual Pelviva Treatments £128.85
    3 Week Challenge 

For maximum effect, you may need to use the full course of treatment which is one device every other day for 12 weeks. Our fifteen pack is one month’s treatment

  • 15 Individual Pelviva Treatments £199.95


Buy Pelviva


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Thank you to Pauline Madden for researching and writing this article.

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